|Review|Jock Road by: Sara Ney





Those are Jackson Jennings, Jr’s three mantras. His entire life, he’s been a trained athlete with only one end-game: the Pro’s. No girls. No parties. No alcohol. 
Every Friday night, Triple J cruises the strip on campus, bored, lonely and conditioned not to party. But the night he meets Charlotte Edmonds on the side of the road, he wonders if his three mantras will ever be enough. 
Charlie has no time for Jackson’s antics. Not when he’s stealing her food or teases her to no end, making her tingle in all the right places. But if she’s ever going to have a boyfriend, she’d choose one who isn’t a Neanderthal. One with manners and actual time to spend with her. Not a hulking man-child who cruises the strip at night, in his Big. Dumb. Truck.



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This book, this boy and this author did my southern little heart right in. Everytime I read a Sara Ney book im left with FOMO on my own hot college boy, just 18 years too late. While my  own prince in tin foil certainly came along, he never did it in a Sara Ney hero fashion. While this author certainly brings all the romcom feels, she also brings a sense of realness to her characters making her books so much more.
Jackson, Jackson, Jackson……you big gentle giant, you own me. You’re absolutely everything.  Seriously, everything. You’ve ruined other book boyfriends for me. I mean it could be that you’re a Texan and I’m a Texan and therefore you’re just far more superior than anyone else. It could be that you love football and I love football. Or it could be that we finally got a guys POV on the things we’ve been getting from girls for years. Whatever it is you made me laugh, you made me sigh and most of all you made me read this book in one sitting. 
Charlotte, you were the perfect girl for Jackson. You were fire, sass and everything it was going to take to bring Jackson to life. Your sense of humor and undertstanding made you the perfect jelly to his peanut butter. 
Jock Road was an instant fave for 2019. I dont need angs, death or unexpected pregnancies to leave me reeling for days for it to be a favorite, I need memorble characters and thats exacty what author Sara Ney gave me. She gave me an unforgettable experience with Jock Road, my only complaint is that we didnt get more of Jackson and Chalotte’s story. I didnt want it to end, I just wanted it all. 

Meet the Author:




Sara Ney is the USA Today Bestselling Author of the How to Date a Douchebag series, and is best known for her sexy, laugh-out-loud New Adult romances. Among her favorite vices, she includes: iced latte’s, historical architecture and well-placed sarcasm. She lives in the Midwest, collects vintage books, art, loves flea markets, and fancies herself British. 


For a list of cities/venues Sara will be signing at, or to purchase signed books, please visit her website at http://www.authorsaraney.com







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